Once upon a time I avoided “all natural” or “organic” foods, because they went bad too fast. It was annoying and a waste of money. Then I started to think about why some food went bad, and some didn’t. I bet you can guess too: preservatives. Sometimes preservatives are salt or vinegar, but typically in […]
Getting the Ants Out – Naturally
Ants make me crazy. I hate them. I hate them most in my house. I hate the thought of them walking around my house or through my cupboards. I put up with them outside, but I prefer them in small quantities. It used to be that when ants got into my house we’d buy poison […]
Stay At Home Moms: Save A Little More on Heating Bills
Most Stay At Home Moms I know are always looking for little ways to save a little more. They also tend to be in and out of the house on an irregular basis: today home for laundry, tomorrow out to the grocery store and then the next day, one quick errand has you out of […]
LIttle Things to Make A Big Difference – Try Bar Soap
Looking for some simple things to change that allows you to lessen your impact on the environment in a big way? Here’s one that might seem simple and small, but if everyone changed, it could impact the environment from a number of different angles – switch from liquid soap to bar soap. Soap is such […]
Green Ways to Stay Cool in a Heat Wave
We’ve been posting a little less often than we’d like. With the kids home from school for the summer we have less time for things like writing blog posts. The past few days of much hotter than usual weather for our area has made us think about some tips for staying cool while still being […]
Treading Lightly for Lent
Tread Lightly in Lent 2011Presbyterian Church Environmental Ministries Instead of giving something up for Lent, I have decided to take on the actions of the “Tread Lightly for Lent 2011” put together by the Presbyterian Church USA Environmental Ministries. Basically, this is a calendar for the 40 days of Lent on which each day has […]
Tip: Simple Water Saving Ideas
Here’s a very simple tip for saving water that I never did until it was pointed out to me: when filling the tub for a bath, close the drain before turning on the water. I find that most people adjust the water running out of the faucet to the temperature that they want it to […]
Quick Tip: Teaching Your Toddler To Recycle
When we first started the blog I said that I would talk about how to include your children going green. I realized that I haven’t been doing as much of that as I would like. Our Toddler Recycling One thing I like to do is teach my toddler to recycle. Ever since he could walk, […]
Tip: Open the Curtains in the Winter
One thing I get asked about a lot is windows. There are a lot of misconceptions about windows and energy savings, mostly thanks to companies that are interested in selling their products. Here’s an easy thing to do and to see results from: if you have a window that the sun shines directly through in […]
GreenTip: Latch Your Windows
Are your windows closed but the outside sounds are a little noisy? Does there still seem to maybe be a draft? Before running out to price new windows (and fall over in shock), check to see if the latch is shut. Those latches aren’t really there for security, they are there to insure that your […]