Taking Time To Appreciate Nature

changing-trees-4 Changing-trees-2 changing-trees-1Take a break today.

We live busy lives today.

You deserve to stop and take some time to appreciate the nature around you.

My children started a new school this year and I drive the carpool most mornings. On our drive in the morning we pass the woods every day. On my way to work after I drop them I drive past another section of the woods.

When the trees started to just change color I made an effort to point out  the changing leaves. At first we saw there was just one kind of vine that was turning red. It was amazing how you could spot it along the edge of the forest winding up trees. We had never noticed vines on those trees before, and then the Virginia Creeper turned red before all the other plants.


Within a few days other trees and other leaves had started to turn yellow orange and red. Every day we noticed different colors and different plants had changed color. It’s both perfectly normal and totally amazing that all the plants of one type turn one color and then two days later all the plants of another type turn a different color. Driving past the same trees every day we noticed how some changed a sequence of colors.

2014-11-18 08.45.50More recently we noticed how the leaves tend to fall off the top of the trees first, leaving the bottom leaves to last.  In some places I could see where a house or building might be blocking the lower leaves from the wind, but in other cases I couldn’t tell why it happened.

When I think about this critically, of course all of one type of tree turns color at the same time, and it makes complete sense for the leaves at the top of the tree to fall off first. I’m 42 and this is the first time I noticed it though!  

Life is short.  Take time this fall and notice the trees and plants around you.

Happy Greening,


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  1. You are SO right…we really do need to stop and “smell the roses” and enjoy the moments we are in.

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