We need a planet doctor to the ER – Stat!

Every time I hear Ed Markey speak, the more I want to do to help him get elected as the next United States Senator from Massachusetts.  He has been a leader in addressing environmental and climate issues since he first went to Washington over thirty years ago.  Addressing climate change is a major part of his agenda. He speaks eloquently  on the subject of climate change in his speeches and during impromptu conversations. One thing I have heard him say repeatedly  makes me laugh and scream at the same time:

Our family with Ed Markey

Our family with Ed Markey


 The planet has a fever and there is no emergency room for planets!

– Ed Markey

I laugh because it sounds funny, but I scream, because it is true.  He has said this to his grassroots leaders, at his campaign kickoff in Malden and at small events across the state.  We need elected officials like Congressman Markey, who understand that climate change is real and that we must address it now.

The Massachusetts primary will be held on April 30, 2013 and the election is June 25, 2013.  If you care about our planet and live in Massachusetts, be sure to vote for Ed Markey in the both the primary and the special election. (Note: people registered Independent in Massachusetts can request either Primary ballot.)  If you care about the planet and live somewhere else, call your friends in Massachusetts and tell them about Ed’s position on climate change and encourage them to vote on April 30th and June 25th.

Happy Greening!

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